How To Clean Patio Furniture Quickly?


How To Clean Patio Furniture Quickly?

By : Grace
Patio furniture is one of the most important fixtures in your house especially when sunny and balmy weather is around the corner. You can use it to sunbath, have house partiers, work outside, spend time with family and do much more. Therefore, ensuring outdoor furniture is clean and sanitary is essential to enjoy yourself without the risk of respiratory illnesses, skin infections and other health issues. You can hire a professional who offer quality end of lease cleaning Geelong for upholstery cleaning in Geelong to ensure patio furniture is pristine and germ free. Moreover, it can help you pass the final inspection when vacating a rental property. You can avail upholstery cleaning service with bond cleaning in Geelong to get your bond back without deductions. However, here is your complete guide outlining tips to clean patio furniture quickly. Have a look to learn how to maintain general sanitation of your outdoor furniture.

Check the Material of The Furniture

Patio furniture is usually made with durable and sturdy materials to prevent environmental damage. You can have outdoor chairs, tables, couches, and love seats made with the following materials.
  • Aluminium
  • Wicker
  • Iron
  • Wood
  • Plastic
  • Resin

  • Knowing the material of your patio furniture is essential to clean it correctly and increase its shelf life. You also have to take into account the material of the upholstery if your patio furniture has upholstery.

    Stock Your Cleaning Caddy With Necessary Supplies

    Since most patio furniture is without upholstery, it is easier to clean than indoor house furniture. However, you must keep necessary supplies on hand to dust, wipe and clean patio furniture routinely. Here’s a list of things to stock in your cleaning caddy or have on person.
  • A multipurpose cleaner
  • An organic or mild soap like Castile soap, dishwashing liquid etc. for green cleaning.
  • Microfibre cloths, towels and duster
  • A vacuum cleaner with HEPA Filters
  • Brushes and sponges of different sizes.
  • Rubber gloves and overalls for protection

  • Besides having these cleaning supplies, ensure you have access to a gardening hose and water.

    Dust, Vacuum And Wipe The Furniture

    You must dust or vacuum the furniture body and cushions on it to collect loose dust, dirt and debris. Outdoor furniture can get leaves, twigs, small stones and many other contaminants. Use the upholstery tool of the vacuum cleaner to clean fabric cushions and upholstery. Also, dust metal, plastic, wicker, and other hard material furniture with a microfibre cloth or duster to ensure it is free of physical contaminants.

    Wash Furniture With Cleaner & Water

    Remove any seats or cushions on the furniture then place it in the yard near the hose and water supply. Using a spray bottle or a sponge, apply soap or a multipurpose cleaner on the furniture. Scrub gently to remove grime, build-up and stubborn grime from the furniture. Use a brush if the furniture has tough stains. Make circular motions while scrubbing to get effective results. It is a professional technique bond cleaners in Geelong use. Afterwards, hose the furniture thoroughly with water to wash away residues and remove dust. Next, using a microfibre towel, wipe the furniture dry and place it back on the patio to aerate further.

    Remove Mould Or Mildew With Natural Cleaner

    Outdoor furniture is more susceptible to mould and mildew due to repeated exposure to moisture, humidity, heat and dust. To remove fungi development effectively and efficiently, you must make a natural cleaning solution with one part water, one part vinegar and a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Apply the cleaner on the furniture and wait 2-3 minutes then scrub gently until the mould spots disappear. Wash the furniture with water then dry the fixture with microfibre cloth. White vinegar can kill mould and sanitise furniture, making it the perfect choice for homemade cleaners. What’s more, dishwashing liquid is a degreaser and dissolves dust quickly.

    Wash Cushion and Upholstery Covers

    Keeping covers for outdoor furniture is a wise idea because you can replace dirty ones with clean ones. Additionally, these covers are easily to wash with other load of laundry. Make sure to use a mild detergent to remove dust, dirt and stains from the fabrics. Also, rinse the covers with a solution of a fabric disinfectant to kill mould spores, bacteria, and viruses that can cause skin infections, bacterial infections or viral diseases.

    Wrapping Up

    Maintain cleanliness of outdoor furniture is not something on top of everyone’s house cleaning routine. However, if the weather is favourable and you are ready to spend time on the patio, it is necessary to use the tips above to clean patio furniture quickly. However, if you lack the time, energy or expertise to manage it well, don’t hesitate to take professional assistance.